Super Foods
In the search for Superfoods, one thing is certain.
What you need to be eating is food. Real, whole, clean, non-processed, chemical free food.
Drinks should be non-carbonated. In addition to the chemicals and refined sugars, the Phosphoric acid in them that keeps them bubbly drains calcium from your system, lowers your metabolism, and causes belly fat gain. Your best drink is water. But green tea, white tea, and coffee are good as well.
Food Guide:
Breads cereals and grains:
They provide complex carbohydrates fiber, and many vitamins and nutrients.
But flour is not what it used to be. Watch out for white flour, and high fructose corn syrup.
And watch your carb intake. Whole grains are best
Fruits contribute Vitamin C, A, fiber and Potassium. But the best fruit is actual fresh fruit.
No fruit juice, no canned fruit. Just fruit. And watch your sugar intake.
There is a reason why fruit is sweet.
They contribute Vitamin C,A, Folate, Potassium, Magnesium Fiber
and a number of other vitamins and minerals. Choose frozen or fresh over canned.
When it comes to fresh or frozen vegetables, you can eat almost as much as you want.
Milk Yogurt, and cheese.
They provide Calcium, Riboflavin, Vitamin B, D, and A.
But watch the fat intake. Be careful also with the added sugars in Yogurt.
Meat and Nuts:
They provide protein, vitamin B, Zinc, Magnesium, Iron, Niacin, and Thiamin.
Lean meats are the best, and do not char them.
Watch the fat intake.
Saturated fats, oils, and sweets:
Just say no. they have very few nutrients, and very little benefit.
Focus on natural oils, and good healthy monounsaturated fats.
The Best of the Best:
Eat Chicken, Fish, Eggs, nuts, Cottage cheese, and Turkey.
For vegetarians Beans, peas, and some whole grains.
Meats like Venison, and other lean red meats are exceptional.
Good fats:
Fat is not bad. Bad fats are bad.
Some good fats to enjoy are: Avocados, Olive Oil, Nuts, Fatty Fish, Flax seed, and real Butter.
Great sources of Fiber are:
Raspberries, Avocado, Oatmeal, Lentils, Broccoli, Cabbage, Apples, and whole grains.
Fiber helps you feel full and aids in elimination. Be sure to drink plenty of water.
Vitamins and minerals:
Get your calcium from Yogurt and hard cheeses.
Potassium from sweet potatoes, and Bananas
Zinc from red meats,
And Vitamin A from Carrots and spinach
Vitamin C from peppers, broccoli, strawberries
And Vitamin D from Fish and fortified milk.
Vitamin E from almonds and sunflower seeds
And Vitamin K from Green Vegetables.
Your B complex vitamins have many sources.
Belly Fat Busters:
To try and reduce some of that belly fat… consider these foods:
Oatmeal, Almonds, Olive Oil, Berries, Eggs, Beans and Legumes,
Turkey, Fish, Real Peanut Butter, Green Vegetables, and Avocado.
Drink tea… (Just not sweet tea)
Planks are a great core exercise, and plenty of rest helps.
Probably the best foods for you to incorporate into your diet are:
Almonds, Local honey, Cinnamon, Oat Meal, Cottage Cheese, Blueberries,
Oranges and grapefruit, Salmon, Spinach, Eggs, Hot peppers, and Tea.
To figure out how much to eat
Use this simple guide:
66+ (6.2 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age)
655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in Inches) – (4.7 x age)
These are your base calories.
Multiply this by 1.5 for those who are moderately active.
Multiply this by 2.0 if you are very active or an athlete.
For your Macro goals, use the percentage guide from the picture at the top of this page.
Be sure your total is only 100%
Take the percentage above multiply it by your calories and divide by
4 for grams of Protein or carbs.
Take the percentage above multiply it by your calories and divide by
9 for grams of Fats.
Just be sure your carbohydrates come from good sources,
and not from refined sugars or processed foods.
Those are the tips!
Happy Eating!