NLP Methodology
Everybody has a personal map of reality.
Those who practice Neuro-Linguistic Programming analyze their own and other perspectives to create a systematic overview of a situation.
The NLP user develops the senses essential to processing available knowledge and learns the ways in which the body and mind influence each other.
Below are some of the patterns and habits that are studied to help in changing how the mind thinks, and in turn changing what we believe and try to attain.
These methods have helped in everything from allowing people to walk on fire, start a career or heal a relationship.

1. Modeling
Neuro-Linguistic programming is an experiential technique.
Therefore, if a person wants to understand the action, they must do the same thing to learn from the experience.
Modeling, action, and efficient communication are essential elements of neuro-linguistic programming. The assumption is that if an individual can understand how another person executes a task, the process can be copied and transmitted to others so that they, too, can achieve the same results. This includes thought, motivation, verbal cues, and actions.

2. Anchoring
Anchoring involves having a firm reality and concept of what you desire and how to achieve it. There are certain words we use to empower ourselves. There are certain emotions that give us personal vision and strength. There are certain memories which change how we conduct ourselves. Anchoring helps us to find these and put them into a beneficial state and utilize a beneficial mindset.

3. Visualization
Visualizing is a skill common to the Law of Attraction,
and other self-help processes.
It involves not only learning to see your success,
but to feel and believe it as already being true.
This includes not only seeing but applying the patterns, habits, and mindset needed to bring about the reality of what you visualize.
It is a learned process of accepting the truths of how natural law progresses and applying them to our own activities.

4. Manifestation
This is the process of using the logical laws of change
to bring about the change required to have what you desire.
It is tied to the drive for education, modelling, and the practice of successful habits.
It is both the efforts we make toward our success, and the way we connect with the rest of the universe as we accept the patterns and laws already put in place for our benefit.
The six logical levels of change:
Purpose and spirituality:
This is the drive, motivation, and the pursuit of something greater than oneself, such as religion, ethics, or some other process.
It is the higher self. This is the greatest degree of change.
This is the person you see yourself as being.
It includes your commitments, the roles you play in life,
and the character you develop.
Beliefs and values:
These are personal belief systems and the values that matter to you.
It includes your emotional and logical responses.
Capabilities and skills:
These are your abilities and what you can do with them
both perceived and real.
Behaviors are the basic actions you undertake,
and the habits and patterns that you value.
The environment would be the background or setting.
It begins with being in a position where your habitat, relationships, and environment are conducive to positive growth.
This is the lowest degree of change.
Each logical level aims to organize and guide the information below it.
As a consequence, making changes at a lower level can lead to changes at a higher level.
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